
'I closed my eyes
To look inward
And found a universe
Waiting to be explored'

Yung Pueblo

I have always felt drawn to expressing myself through art, but it is only in recent years that I have begun to explore my practice again. I have worked as a photographer and as a researcher, always trying to go deeper into the essence of being – to find out what being human in this world is all about.

I recently found that I have Aphantasia – an inability to visualise or a lack of mind’s-eye – something that may seem strange for an artist. But I now realise that this condition may have motivated me to photograph and create my own images, often drawing on my deeper feelings and subconscious.

The pieces below are the beginning of a series working with intuitive sketches and copper to create layered images.

Copper is an ancient metal with high conductivity and energy flow. Patination blends art with science – creating a fusion of colours and patterns, revealing the exquisite beauty of natural processes. The overlaid ink sketches are rapid and intuitive, often following deep healing or meditation.


Digital gift card and postcard